カリフォルニアで理想的な住まい 不動産をお探しですか?当社はお客様のライフスタイルとニーズにあったお家探しをお手伝いします 信頼の不動産エージェント +24k ご満足されたお客様 +800 物件数 不動産取引や交渉でお悩みですか?バイリンガルの営業マンとブローカーで構成されるチームが、不動産に関するあらゆる取引のお手伝いを致します。 お問い合わせ カリフォルニア物件情報 Filters Save search Price Price Min$50,000$75,000$100,000$125,000$150,000$175,000$200,000$300,000$400,000$500,000$600,000$700,000$800,000$900,000$1,000,000$1,250,000$1,500,000$1,750,000$2,000,000$2,500,000$3,000,000$5,000,000$10,000,000Min Max$75,000$100,000$125,000$150,000$175,000$200,000$300,000$400,000$500,000$600,000$700,000$800,000$900,000$1,000,000$1,250,000$1,500,000$1,750,000$2,000,000$2,500,000$3,000,000$5,000,000$10,000,000$20,000,000Max Type Type Agriculture Apartment BoatSlip Business Cabin Condo Condominium CoOwnership Duplex HotelMotel House Industrial Loft ManufacturedHome ManufacturedOnLand MixedUse MobileHome Multifamily Office OwnYourOwn Quadruplex Retail SingleFamilyResidence SpecialPurpose StockCooperative Studio Townhouse Triplex UnimprovedLand Warehouse Bedrooms Bedrooms Any 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ Bathrooms Bathrooms Any 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ More filters Half baths Any 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ Amenities Dishwasher Dryer Garbage disposal Iron Jacuzzi Microwave Oven Refrigerator Trash compactor TV WifiShow all amenities Features Air conditioning Balcony Bellhop Carbon monoxide detector Elevator Elevators Fire alarm Fireplace Garden Heating PhoneSystem RecreationRoom Smoke detector Swimming pool Terrace Trash Removal TvSystem WifiShow all features Area No min500 sq ft750 sq ft1000 sq ft1250 sq ft1500 sq ft1750 sq ft2000 sq ft2250 sq ft2500 sq ft2750 sq ft3000 sq ft4000 sq ft5000 sq ft7500 sq ftNo min No max750 sq ft1000 sq ft1250 sq ft1500 sq ft1750 sq ft2000 sq ft2250 sq ft2500 sq ft2750 sq ft3000 sq ft4000 sq ft5000 sq ft7500 sq ft10000 sq ftNo max Lot size No min500 sq ft750 sq ft1000 sq ft1250 sq ft1500 sq ft1750 sq ft2000 sq ft2250 sq ft2500 sq ft2750 sq ft3000 sq ft4000 sq ft5000 sq ft7500 sq ftNo min No max750 sq ft1000 sq ft1250 sq ft1500 sq ft1750 sq ft2000 sq ft2250 sq ft2500 sq ft2750 sq ft3000 sq ft4000 sq ft5000 sq ft7500 sq ft10000 sq ftNo max Floors Clear all filters Hide filters No results Adjust your search by changing filters. Remove all filters Powered by Estatik お問い合わせ RequiredYour Name RequiredEmail Address RequiredSubject RequiredEnquiry Detail Please check the box after checking the details you have entered.